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Title: الابتكار في المنتج وأثره على تحسين صورة المؤسسة
Other Titles: دراسة حالة زبائن مؤسسات الاتصال ولاية ميلة
Authors: ايمان, شباط, فقراوي رميساء
Keywords: innovation, mental image, smallpox innovation, brand innovation, communication firms, clients
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: Abdelhafid Boussouf University centre- Mila
Abstract: This study aimed at identifying the product innovation and its effect on the improvement of the firms image in the communication firms of the state of Mila, and the impact of each dimention of innovation on the customer’s mind in the firms under study. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, a questionnaire was used as a tool for study, which was distributed to the clients of the communications institutions in the state of Mila and number of 130 customers. And statistical methods were used to analyze and interpret the resultswe. We have reached several results, the most Important of which is that the level of the application of innovation and its impact on the firms image is average with varying degrees. Through these result, we can say that the communication firms have to improve and encourage innovative trends, and to choose the general strategies to ensure success and continuity in the market.
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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