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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010-05Mechanical behaviour of railway trackAbdelheq, Guettiche
2010-10Scatter search for Real-Time Scheduling with Timing, Precedence and Exclusion Constraints.Adel, Bouridah
2011Incidence of Listeria spp. and other psychrotrophic bacteria in raw bovine milk collected in Algerian North EastAbdelhafid, Boubendir
2011-03-23Primary Synovial Sarcoma of the Inner Ear: A Case ReportMeryem, Lalaoui
2012-06-04Listeria versus Enterococcus : La sécurité alimentaireAbdelhafid, Boubendir
2013-01A scatter search algorithm for real-time scheduling with timing, precedence and exclusion constraints.Adel, Bouridah
2013-07-10Biochemical characterization of a thermoactive and thermostable lipase from a newly isolated Trichosporon coremiiforme strainAbdelhafid, Boubendir
2013-09Global Attractivity of a Rational Difference EquationYasine, Halim
2013-11-09Application of Threshold Autoregressive Model: Modeling and Forecasting Using U.S. Export Crude Oil Datayakoub, Boularouk
2014A New Flavonol Triglycoside and Other Flavonol Glycosides from Astragalus armatusWilld. (Fabaceae).Assia, Khalfallah
2014-01-08Acute Injection and Chronic Perfusion of Kisspeptin Elicit Gonadotropins Release but Fail to Trigger Ovulation in the Mare1Yasser, Merzouki
2014-06Chemotypes of Algerian and Moroccan Thymus ciliatus.Assia, Khalfallah
2014-10-09The use of date waste for lactic acid production by a fed-batch culture using Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosusAbdelhafid, Boubendir
2015-المدخل للعلوم القانونية -النظر ية العامة للقانوند-لمزري, مفيدة
2015-03Geochemistry and hydrogeochemical process of groundwater in the Souf valley of Low Septentrional Sahara, Algeria.ALLIA, Zineb
2015-06Conception et réalisation d’une application web pour l’achat, la vente et la location des immobiliers en ligne.Amine, M. Boufenneche,M. Boudjenana Yazid
2015-06La découverte des services web composés à base de graphes.Ishak, Boulfoul
2015-06Application client/serveur pour le suivi des dossiers au niveau de la CNR de Mila.Nawel, Legriou, Nebti Imen
2015-06Conception et réalisation d’une application client.Saida, Bourafa, Djaaboub Aziza
2015-06Développement d’une application Web pour la planification urbaine basée sur le service Web Google Maps pour la Wilaya de Mila.karima, Benfethi, Bensiammar Aichouche