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Title: صعوبة الكتابة ومدى تأثيرها في تحصيل نشاط اللغة العربية المدرسة الابتدائية الشهيد عمار لخضر طيان – أنموذجا
Authors: رانيا, قرواز
Keywords: learning difficulty, writing difficulty, Arabic language activity, dysphoria.
صعوبة التعلم , صعوبة الكتابة , نشاط اللغة العربية , عسر الكتابة
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: لسانيات تطبيقية
Abstract: Learning disabilities are the main problem for schoolchildren that disrupts their school trajectory and negatively affects their educational achievement, especially in Arabic language activity. the difficulty of learning who to write, is a fundamental of learning process and has a significant impact on educational achievement. And the importance of our subject is that it addresses a major problem in elementary schools.The Research’s problem: What are learning difficulties, what is learning writing difficulties? How does it affect the attainment of Arabic language activity in primary school children of Ammar Lakhdar Tayan Primary?At the end of our research, we have reached several conclusions, including: a child with learning disabilities is a normal and intelligent child. The difficulty of learning to write affects students' achievement, especially in Arabic language activity. Special treatment programs should be developed for children with clerical hardship.
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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