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Title: أثر جودة الخدمات الصحية في توليد الكلمة المنطوقة الإيجابية
Other Titles: - دراسة حالة مستشفى محمد مداحي –فرجيوة
Authors: أسامة , حارك , معمر زكرياء
Keywords: جودة الخدمات الصحية , أبعاد جودة الخدمات الصحية , الكلمة المنطوقة الإيجابية
the quality of health services. The dimensions of the quality of health services. The positive spoken word.
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: تخصص " تسويق الخدمات "
Description: This study aimed to measure and analyze the impact and quality of health service quality (dimensionsof health service quality:tangibility.reliability.responsiveness.assurance.empathy) in generating positive spoken word in the hospital institution"mohamed medahi ferdjioua" Where the stady data were collected by distributind a questionnaire to a sample consisting of 70 a beneficiary of the services of this hospital institution under study . and data were processed using the statistical package for social sciences program(spss24).
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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