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Title: اثر جودة خدمات الإطعام الجامعي على رضا الطلبة في ظل أزمة كورونا دراسة حالة الإقامة الجامعية : (COVID-19)
Authors: سماح, بوالقرون,بوالصيودمريم
Keywords: الجودة, جودة الخد مة، الإطعام الجا معي، كورونا، رضا الطلبة
quality, quality of service, university feeding, corona, student satisfaction.
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: تخصص " تسويق الخدمات "
Description: The study aimed to measure the impact of the quality of university feeding services in the light of the Corona crisis (COVID_19) provided by the Directorate of University Services to university center students Abdul Hafiz With wool mila on their satisfaction through their dimensions (concrete, reliability, response,safety, empathy) Provided in the servqual model by the brilliant researchers (Parasuraman ,Zeithaml and berry) which was relied upon in the design and development of the study tool represented by the questionnaire designed and distributed to a sample estimated at (150) members of the University Center By following the descriptive and analytical approaches, the descriptive approach was based on the theoretical review of the study variables, but the analytical method was used in the analysis of the results of the equation of multiple standard decline,and the study found a statistically significant impact on the quality of university feeding service in the light of the Corona crisis (COVID_19 its dimensions on the satisfaction of university center students
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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