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dc.contributor.authorبولمعيزي ، زلاقي, شهيرة ، نبيلة-
dc.identifier.citationتخصص: لسانيات عربّيةen_US
dc.descriptionThe language poetic deffers from géneration to another and from era to another,it is contant and contnous development because it is considered the carier of dist goes in the minds of the poet the thoughts fellings and emotions in sde him on this basis the contemporary poet has realzed that renewal in the external stsuclure of the Arabic poem requirez renewal in it is internd construction as well. This is what this study seeks to take in to account as it aums to gain familitiarity when the most important of renewal aspects that will set the poetic language Rabi al_sabti, through the poems of his office aynektamoroni the most important stylisti and aesthetic features that abound in the three levels compositional phonological semantic how this new influence ontributed to the poetic experience of the poet on the one hand and broke the horijon of expectation when receiving inflincing it on the other handen_US
dc.publisherAbdelhafid boussouf university Centre milaen_US
dc.subjectالتٌجديد، اللغة الشعرٌية، القصيدة المعاصرة، الشعر المعاصر، عيناك تأمرنيen_US
dc.subjectrenwal, language poetic, contemporary poem, contemporary poetry,aynak_tamoronien_US
dc.titleتجديـد اللغـة الشعرّيــة في ديوان "عيناك تأمرني" لربيع السبتيen_US
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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