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Title: "دور القصة القرانية في تنمية القدرات اللغوية و الذهنية لدى المتعلمين الطور المتوسط " أنموذجا
Authors: بوعبيبسة ، بوعبيبسة, حياة ، مفيدة
Keywords: القيم التربوية -القصة - القران -الملكة اللغوية -أثر - -
The story – Quran – the linguistic amount – impact – the educational values.
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Publisher: Abdelhafid boussouf university Centre mila
Citation: تخصص: لسانيات تطبيقية
Description: The topic of our study which is characterized by : “ The role of the quranic story in enriching the linguistic and mental capacities of learners. The middle school as an example”, aims at different educational sides that contributes in bringing up learners in a correct way in the sense that the quranic narratives are considered as an important means for learning and guiding since it holds some principles and good values which participates in refining the behaviour of learners as well as building their personalities and enriching their linguistic ckground through reading the quranic narratives because it is the source of science and morals. That’s why we have dealt with the middle text books of Arabic in order to know how the quranic stories are involved within the learning schedules and to recognize the different educational values and the linguistic objectives included in the book to provide learners with different information
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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