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Title: وسائل الدفع الالكترونية ودورها في تحسيـن المعاملات المصرفية
Other Titles: دراسة حالة بنك الفلاحة والتنمية الريفية–وكالة الرواشد–ميلة
Authors: ياسمينة, حملاوي, لطرش مرريم
Keywords: traditional payment methods, electronic payment methods, electronic banks, banking transactions, traditional banks.
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: Abdelhafid Boussouf University centre- Mila
Abstract: The current technological developments in the current era have led to radical changes in the banking system. A new type of payment method emerged, namely, the electronic payment methods that replaced the conventional means of payment because the latter are no longer effective in an era that requires rapid processing of transactions and transactions. Electronic payment through public acceptance across the world. This is due to the use of modern technologies and electronic devices that have led to the development of banking transactions, changing the nature of their business and moving from what we call paperwork to electronic work. Therefore, the Algerian banks managed to develop and upgrade their banking system by providing them with electronic means of payment and improving the banking transactions they provide to their customers. This is in order to keep abreast of the current developments in the developed countries. Is the role of electronic payment methods in improving banking transactions? The study is based on two aspects: Theoretical side: which includes a detailed study on traditional and electronic payment methods, electronic and conventional banks, The practical side: An analytical study of the role of electronic payment methods in improving banking transactions. A study of the case of the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development. As a result of the study, electronic payment methods offer many benefits to the economy from speed and security, and electronic banking offers indispensable services and the availability of effort, time and cost.
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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