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Title: شعر ية الخطاب السردي في المجموعة القصصيةٌ القصيرٌة جدا "المقعد الحجري" لعلاوة كوسه
Authors: شرف الدين , حجاز , العا يبٌ منى
Keywords: Poetic narrative discourse, very short story, Alaoua Koussa, Al-Maq’ad Al-Hajari
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: أدب حديث ومعاصر
Abstract: This study « The Poetic Narrative Discourse in the Very Short Story Collection Al-Maq’ad Al-Hajari » of Alaoua Koussa aims to reveal the poetic and aesthetic features present in the very short texts, and what different narrative discourse techniques and elements are included, which are highlighted in this story collection by the Algerian writer and storyteller: Alaoua Koussa. Its poetic nature is manifested in its aesthetics, as well as the artistic and semantic characteristics on which the texts of the collection are built, which generate poetic language energy and the property of semantic concision, and the succession of paradoxes, in addition to the beauty of allusion, the rhetoric of brevity, and the emergence of symbols and locks, etc. This study ummarizes, after analyzing its texts and exploring its depths, the author’s consolidation of the aesthetic aspects in narrative writing, manifested in his treatment of various topics in this collection, including the phenomenon of love, social phenomena, and the spread of false love, among others.
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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