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Title: الانتقال من الأدب التفاعلي الرقمي إلى الأدب السمعي البصري على اليوتيوب
Other Titles: نماذج شعرية مختارة
Authors: حنان , مغواش , خلفةرميسة
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: أدب حديث ومعاصر
Abstract: The methods of presenting the literary text varied from oral to paper, so that the computer entered as a carrier through the network, adding a new name to literature, which is digital interactive literature, which brought the recipient closer to the author and allowed him to interact and participate in the literary work. A method that affects the recipient more, so they found the use of audiovisual means, to be known after that as audiovisual literature.Hence, we can say that the importance of our topic is evident in the fact that it is a topic that sheds light on interactive literature and its transition to audiovisual literature.From here, we raise the following problem: What is the way in which literature moved from being written to audiovisual? What are the characteristics that the YouTube application has granted to literature in general and poetry in particular? Among our findings: The transition of literature from paper to digital, and from digital to audiovisual gave a new dimension to the literary experience.With the development of YouTube and the advantages it gives to users, making it the most visited site
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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