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Title: الصكوك الإسلامية كأداة لتمويل التنمية المستدامة في الجزائر على ضوء التجارب الدولية خلال الفترة 2010-2021
Authors: زينة , جبلي , دفوس أميرة
Keywords: Islamic instruments, Sustainable Development, Malaysia, Sudan, Algeria.
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: التخصص: إدارة مالية
Abstract: Through this research, we aim to demonstrate the role if islamic sukuk in financing the dimentions of ustainzble development in malazyia and sudan,to lessons learned from experiences and to determine for their activation in algeria.Through this research,we found that islamic sukuk contributed to financing the dimentions of sustainable development inmalaysia though unfrastructure projects such as building airports, hospitals and green building, by issuings green sukuk charity sukuk, vaccine sukuk and water and sanitation sukuk, which contributed to achieving economic growth in social condition. Suitable and healthy environment, and contributed to finacing the dimensions of sustainable development in sudan, especially the economic dimention though its issuance of sovereign sukuk to finance development projects and provide the necessary liquidity to bridge the deficit in the general budget.Algeria should resort to adopting islamic sukuk as an effective means in financing various development projects, by setting up the legislative, legal and fiscal framework that regulates the issuance and circulation of islamic sukuk in algeria.And spreading of its importance, in addition to providing the secondary market
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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