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Title: Developing the Writing Skill through Increasing EFL Learners’ Awareness of the Writing Process.
Other Titles: The Case Study of Third Year LMD Students of English at Mila University.
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: Foreign Languages.
Abstract: Writing in a foreign language is one of the most challenging and complex tasks for language learners. Due to the complexity of this skill, many students find it very difficult to produce an adequate piece of writing. For that reason, the current research attempts to make the students aware about the fact that the development of the writing skill involves dealing with writing as a process that entails different stages and not as a product; ccurate use of grammar and vocabulary. Besides, this study was aimed by the hypothesis that making students aware of the different stages of the writing process will help them to overcome the difficulties that they face when they write. To test this, two questionnaires are devised to both teachers and students from the Department of Languages at Abed Elhafid Boussouf Mila University Center . The first one is for ten teachers who have sufficient experience to make their ideas useful for the purpose of this study, while the second is tailored for a randomly selected sample which is composed of eighty third year students of English from 211 of the whole population. The obtained findings of the research have shown that both students and teachers agreed on the idea that the stages of the writing process can increase writing skill. Thus, the hypothesis was confirmed. Relying on these results, teachers should always encourage their students to follow the writing process and complete all of the steps that it includes. Learners should understand that this progressive task is not necessary, but rather a beneficial practice that will help them to develop their writing skills
Appears in Collections:Foreign languages

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