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Title: دور الصيرفة الإسلامية في تمويل المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة
Other Titles: دراسة حالة الجزائر 2005-2021
Authors: سهيلة , شتوان , عزيزي نجوى
Keywords: الصيرفة الإسلامية , المؤسسات الصغيرة , والمتوسطة , بنك البركة , بنك السلام , التمويل الإسلامي
Islamic banking, small and medium enterprises, Al Baraka Bank, Al Salam Bank, Islamic finance
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: تخصص " إقتصاد نقدي وبنكي "
Abstract: This memo treats the role of Islamic banking in the finance of small and medium foundation in orde to find out how snuessful it is in doing this job ,Especially that almost ll financing transactions start in an asthmatic nronment. and that exat exacerbates the obstacles which small and medium foundation suffer from , This study is divide into three chapters .The first chapter is specialized in explaining the meaning of the Islamic banking through its definition ,establishment ,characteristics and controls governed by . We talk alse about some similaritics and differences between islamic banking and usurious babks .In addition to the most important are one of the most important islanic banks active in the Algerian banking arana ,one of the most in the form of Is lamic law ained at invrstment,especially small and midium- sized enteprise . Based on the amnal reports the Algerian BanKs Through this research , we have studied the development of the amount of funding granted to the SME sector py the Algerian banks . Islamic banks have a great ability to finmce whatever type of investnent ,axpecially in the SME sector , this is dne to the flexibility of the inancing formulas provided by these bank
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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