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dc.contributor.authorمروة, دعاس, أعزيز أمنة-
dc.identifier.citation"تخصص " إقتصاد نقدي وبنكيen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to explore the relationship that brings together both liquidity ratios and lending rates in Algeria’s cash market from 2008 to 2021 by drawing on the analytical descriptive approach to diagnosis and terpretation of the results reached. Through the study and by relying on the study and by relying on the coefficient of orrelation and growth rates of variables, we have found a strong inverse relationship between liquidity ratios and monetary market lending rates in Algeria.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.subjectنسب السيولة , معدلات الإقراض , السوق النقدي , معدل النمو , معدل الإرتباطen_US
dc.subjectLiquidity ratios, lending rates, cash market, growth rate, correlation rate.en_US
dc.titleالعلاقة بين نسب السيولة و معدلات الإقراض في السوق النقدي في الجزائرen_US
dc.title.alternativeدراسة تحليلية للفترة 2008-2021en_US
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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