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Title: إشكالية تعليمية العربية لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في المراكز الخاصة
Authors: قمري , امنة , سعيدة شبطة
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Publisher: Abdelhafid boussouf university Centre mila
Citation: تخصص: لسانيات عربية
Description: Our goal of this research is to try to introduce people with special needs, especially the deaf group, as we discussed in the first chapter the education of the Arabic language, which is a branch of education, and we discussed its methods represented in the standard method and the inductive method with mentioning all the drawbacks, advantages and steps of each method We also dealt with the educational problem of the Arabic language, and we also talked in the same chapter about the educational aids used with people with special needs represented in audio teaching aids. Audiovisual and tactile aids and we followed this chapter with obstacles to the use of educational aids with this group, then we moved to the second chapter in which we alked about hearing disability, which is a major obstacle in the educational achievement of the child, which is divided into the deaf and hard of hearing groups, and we also presented the methods of communication followed With this category, such as manual communication, and teaching methods such as a method of audio-linguistic training, and we presented previous studies as a final topic in which we dealt with some of them, in which we discussed the most prominent issues and problems of hearing disability, and we came to a onclusion in which we presented the most prominent results and observations
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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