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dc.contributor.authorقاسة بغدوش ، بن عمران, ريمـــة ، خولــــة-
dc.identifier.citationالتخصص: لسانيات تطبيقيةen_US
dc.descriptionThis research tries to show the strategy of multiple intelligences and their role in solving classroom problems for the fourth year of primary school. It includes two chapters, the first theoretical and the second practical, to be concerned in its first chapter the strategy of multiple intelligences and their role in solving classroom roblems and it is divided into three topics that fall under the demands of the first topic. The strategy of multiple telligences, its concept, types, principles and foundations, in addition to the importance of training according to this theory, while the second topic deals with classroom management, its concept, elements, various types, characteristics, and objectives, in addition to highlighting the importance of classroom management As for the third topic, it dealt with classroom problems in terms of their concept, types, causes, and various preventive methods for classroom management problems, and we concluded with a general summary of this theoretical chapter. As for the second semester, the study adopted the strategy of multiple intelligences and their role in solving classroom problems in a fourth year - a- model, which was devoted to the field study, as well as the analysis of the results of the questionnaire directed to teachers of the fourth year of primary schoolen_US
dc.publisherAbdelhafid boussouf university Centre milaen_US
dc.subjectالإستراتيجية ، الذكاء، الذكاءات المتعددة ، الإدارة ، الصف ، المشكلات الصفيةen_US
dc.subjectStrategy, intelligence, multiple intelligences, management, class, classroom problemsen_US
dc.title-إستراتجية الذكاءات المتعددة و دورها في حل المشكلات الصفيةسنة رابعة إبتدائي- أنموذجاen_US
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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