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dc.contributor.authorبن صغير ، بريكة, ريان ، لطيفة-
dc.identifier.citationتخصص: أدب عربي حديث ومعاصرen_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis deals with the theme of the Gnosticism Novel, as a part from the New Novel, we expound to its delinquency and its rejection to the previous novel, in order to meet the needs of the new era, and what appened to it from openness and westernization. The Gnosticism Novel presents a literary protest against the extremism and deviation from the values and emphasis the Sufism identity. The Sufism experience is based on three main elements: divine love, Sufism path and divine adoration. Some persons might think that anyone could reach perfection considering the experience is based on three stages; but absolutely not, the path even long or short is difficult and discomfort. The thing that turns this hardness to ease is that divine adoration which is the strongest reason behind going through the Sufism Experience with all of its stages to reach the end the perfectionen_US
dc.publisherAbdelhafid boussouf university Centre milaen_US
dc.subjectالرواية الجديدة ، الرواية العرفانية ، التجربة الصوفيةen_US
dc.subjectNew Novel, Gnosticism Novel, Sufism Experience.en_US
dc.titleالمنحى العرفاني في رواية " قواعد العشق الأربعون" لإيليف شافاقen_US
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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