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dc.contributor.authorأسامة ،إبتسام, بوبريم ، جري-
dc.identifier.citationمذكرة مكملة لنيل شهادة الماستر في علوم التسيير (ل.م.د) تخصص " إدارة مالية "en_US
dc.descriptionThe objective of this study is to know the requirements of the application of electronic management in the financial institution of the hospital, Mohammed Madahi Ferjioua, where this study addressed the following main question: What are the requirements of the application of electronic management in the financial institution of the hospital Mohammed Madahi ferjioua? Five hypotheses were formulated to answer this question To answer this problematic we have divided this study into three chapters, the first dealing with the general framework of E-management and the second chapter explains the hospital institutions in Algeria, and the third chapter case study at the hospital institution Mohamed Medahi-Ferdjioua-.The descriptive and analytical approach was used in this study, the data were collected by field sampling and interviews with Institute workers and executives, and we are in a position to accept the hypotheses: the first, fourth and fifth, and rejected the hypothesis: the second and the thirden_US
dc.publisherAbdelhafid boussouf university Centre milaen_US
dc.subjectالإدارة الإلكترونية ، المؤسسات الإستشفائية ، مالية المؤسسات الإستشفائية ، البرامج الإلكترونيةen_US
dc.subjectE- management, hospital institutions, The finance of hospital institutions, electronic programsen_US
dc.titleالإدارة الإلكترونية ومتطلبات تطبيقها في مالية المؤسسات الإستشفائيةen_US
dc.title.alternativeدراسة حالة المؤسسة الإستشفائية محمد مداحي - فرجيوة-en_US
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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