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Title: دور التيسير الكمي في الاستقرار المالي الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية نموذجا
Authors: شفيعة،نورة, قاجوج ،متران
Issue Date: Jun-2019
Publisher: Abdelhafid boussouf university Centre mila
Description: The recent global crisiswascharacterize by the central banks of the developed countries, ied by the thtreebanks ـthe American Banc, the European Bank and the BANK Japon ـfor a nonـtraditionalmonitarypolicy instrument of quantative easin - gpolicy, whichwaswidlyused to stimulatedemand and encourage activitythispolic y- aims to significzntlyexpznd the assets of the central bank, reduce long tarmint - erest rates , raise inflation and evelstotherequiredlevel, providecreditfacilities and domesticcurrencies to stimulate the economy Ffinancialstability, which has gain - edgreat importance in the financialsystam, as itis the fundamentalpillar of the sustainabldevelopment of countries,itcontributes to raising the financial system stability to erformitsfunctions and functions in providingvariousbanking services, such as providingliquiditu, rovidingfinancialcredit and otherfunctionthatmake the financial system able to cope and absorbinternal and externalshok. The main objective of thisstudyis to indentify the role of quantitative easing in the financialstability of central banks, thisisreflectedin the increasinginterest in un conventional montarypolicy in light of the inancialcrisis of 2008 ? whichprovedthat the policy of quantitative easing and the khowledge of the moste central banksthatappliedthispolicy to get out of the crisis finance
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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