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dc.contributor.authorManar, Choufi,Chembi , Khaoula-
dc.identifier.citationSpécialité : Biotechnologie végétaleen_US
dc.descriptionMedicinal plants represent a very important aspect of the history of medicine and have contributed significantly to the development of modern medicine. As part of the promotion of medicinal plants used in traditional Algerian medicine, this field research was carried out in the municipalities of the wilaya of Mila with the aim of identifying medicinal plants used in the treatment of anemia. It was implemented for one month by conducting interviews with 50 herb sellers, 150 ordinary people and 200 university students of both sexes, men (54%) and women (46%), and all age groups, from 20 years to over 50 years. The results obtained during the investigation were sorted and compiled into a table which includes the familiar name of the plant used, the Arabic, French and scientific name, as well as the name of the species to which it belongs, and another table that includes citation number, part used, and method of use. The results showed that the most commonly used plants are: carob (83 times), beets (192 times), dates (189 times) and legumes such as lentils, which belong to the Poaceae , Fabaceae , Leguminosae families. And Arecaceae. However, the most used parts are cereals (30%), fruits (39%) and leaves (15%). The method of use varies, as some are boiled and others are eaten fresh. It is also forbidden to eat certain foods that reduce hemoglobin levels in the blood, the most important of which are: tea, coffee and alcohol. Concerning the effectiveness of these herbs, the testimony of 400 people during this ethnobotanical study confirmed that, according to our point of view, they are effective in treating anemia and do not cause any side effects or complications (74%). It is therefore necessary to promote herbal medicine and develop natural alternative medicines.en_US
dc.description.abstractتمثل النباتات الطبية جانبًا مهمًا جدًا في تاريخ الطب وساهمت بشكل كبير في تطور الطب الحديث. في إطار تثمين النباتات الطبية المستخدمة في الطب الجزائري التقليدي، تم إجراء هذا البحث الميداني ببلديات ولاية ميلة بهدف التعرف على النباتات الطبية المستخدمة في علاج فقر الدم. وتم تنفيذه لمدة شهر من خلال إجراء مقابلات مع 50 بائع أعشاب و 150 شخصًا عاديًا و 200 طالبا جامعيا من الجنسين ذكورًا ( 54 %) وإناثا (46 %) ومن جميع الفئات العمرية من 20 سنة إلى ما يفوق 50 سنة. تم فرز النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها أثناء التحقيق وتجميعها في جداول تتضمن الاسم العامي للنبات المستخدم، والاسم العربي، الفرنسي، العلمي، واسم الفصيلة التي ينتمي إليها، عدد الاستشهادات، والجزء المستخدم وطريقة الاستخدام. وأظهرت النتائج أن النباتات الأكثر استخداما هي: الخروب ( 83 مرة)، البنجر ( 192 مرة)، التمر( 189مرة)، البقوليات مثل العدس، والتي تنتمي إلى الفصائل Poaceae ، Fabaceae ، Légumineuse ، Arecaceae . إلا أن الأجزاء الأكثر استخداما هي البذور ) 30 %( والفاكهة ) 39 %( والأوراق ) 15 %. وتختلف طريقة الاستخدام، حيث يتم غلي البعض منها والبعض الآخر يؤكل طازجًا. كما حظر تناول بعض الأطعمة التي تعمل على خفض نسبة الهيموغلوبين في الدم، ومن أهمها: الشاي والقهوة والكحول. وفيما يتعلق بفعالية هذه الأعشاب، فقد أكدت شهادة 400 شخصا خلال هذه الدراسة العرقية للنباتات وحسب وجهة نظرنا أنها فعالة في علاج فقر الدم ولا تسبب أي آثار جانبية أو مضاعفات (74). ولذلك فمن الضروري زيادة قيمة التداوي بالأعشاب وتطوير الطب البديل الطبيعي.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMedicinal plants represent a very important aspect of the history of medicine and have contributed significantly to the development of modern medicine. As part of the promotion of medicinal plants used in traditional Algerian medicine, this field research was carried out in the municipalities of the wilaya of Mila with the aim of identifying medicinal plants used in the treatment of anemia. It was implemented for one month by conducting interviews with 50 herb sellers, 150 ordinary people and 200 university students of both sexes, men (54%) and women (46%), and all age groups, from 20 years to over 50 years. The results obtained during the investigation were sorted and compiled into a table which includes the familiar name of the plant used, the Arabic, French and scientific name, as well as the name of the species to which it belongs, and another table that includes citation number, part used, and method of use. The results showed that the most commonly used plants are: carob (83 times), beets (192 times), dates (189 times) and legumes such as lentils, which belong to the Poaceae , Fabaceae , Leguminosae families. And Arecaceae. However, the most used parts are cereals (30%), fruits (39%) and leaves (15%). The method of use varies, as some are boiled and others are eaten fresh. It is also forbidden to eat certain foods that reduce hemoglobin levels in the blood, the most important of which are: tea, coffee and alcohol. Concerning the effectiveness of these herbs, the testimony of 400 people during this ethnobotanical study confirmed that, according to our point of view, they are effective in treating anemia and do not cause any side effects or complications (74%). It is therefore necessary to promote herbal medicine and develop natural alternative medicines.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity centre of abdelhafid boussouf -mila-en_US
dc.subjectالدراسة العرقية للنبات، النباتات الطبية، بائعي الأعشاب، فقر الدم، ولاية ميلةen_US
dc.subjectEthnobotanical study, medicinal plants, herbalists, anemia, Wilaya of Mila.en_US
dc.titleEtude Ethnobotanique sur les Plantes Médicinales Utilisée pour le Traitement de l’Anémie dans la Wilaya de Milaen_US
Appears in Collections:Natural and life sciences

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