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dc.contributor.authorأصالة , جوامبي , بولفوس فاطمة الزهراء-
dc.identifier.citationلسانيات تطبيقيةen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to shed light on the part of the trading lesson represented by communicative signal and the extent to which it contributes to communication in social settings as a whole and in theducational environment in particular. It also maintains record of the rhetorical relationship between the teacher and the learner via oral communication, which plays a significant role in the educational communicative process. In addition to that, the learner gains experience in situations requiring oral presentation.In order to achsatisfactory results about the method used by the teachers in the application of oral production in light of the signs, we conducted a field study to verify the theoretical data by directing a questionnaire to both teachers and tudents.We derived a set of conclusions from it.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.titleالإشاريات الاجتماعية في وضعيات تقويم الإدماجen_US
dc.title.alternative-السنة الرا بعة من التعليم المتوسط أنموذجاen_US
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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