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dc.contributor.authorشيماء , عجرود , ثغري عائشة-
dc.identifier.citationأدب حديث ومعاصرen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research, titled "Cultural Patterns in the Novel 'Seerah Al-Muntaheya... I Lived It as I Desired'" by Algerian novelist Wassini Al-Araj, aims to uncover the underlying cultural patterns in the novel. The study is divided into an introduction that includes an analysis of the key terms used in the research, such as cultural criticism, cultural patterns, cultural studies, and a theoretical chapter that discusses the influence of modern thought on the novel. It explores the characteristics of postmodern thought and postmodernist features in the novel, particularly focusing on the narrative style, considering that the studied novel is an autobiography. The research also includes an applied chapter where historical vision, ideology, and spiritual components are used as indicators and keys to understand how cultural patterns function and their role in shaping meaning, employing certain mechanisms of cultural criticism as the most suitable approach to uncover the hidden patterns within the textsen_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.subjectcultural criticism, patterns, postmodernism, novel "Seerah Al-Muntaheya... I Lived It as I Desireden_US
dc.subjectالنقذ الثقافي، النسق،ما بعد الحادثة، رواية سيرة المنتهى .... عشتها كما اشتهتني.en_US
dc.titleالأنساق الثقافية في رواية "سيرة المنتهى ...عشتها كما إشتهتني " لواسني الأعرجen_US
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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