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dc.contributor.authorفاتن , بوزبرة , جنحي أحلام-
dc.identifier.citationأدب حديث ومعاصرen_US
dc.description.abstractRecognition is one of the philosophical topics that have extended to literature to fit its texts, and we have dealt with the theme of recognition in research, and what terms are involved under it : the philosophy of recognition, the relationship of recognition to literature, as well as the most important researchers in this field in the West and those who translated it in the Arabs .Recognition in the novel I will be among the almonds by Hussein Barghouti was embodied in three levels ( recognition at the self level, as he focused on the subjective side a lot, recognition at the family level, where the novelist's family had a large part of his novel and through his confessions shows his strong relationship with his family, recognition at the enemy level, Hussein Barghouti's recognition of the Israeli enemy and his heinous practices towards the Palestinian people) in a narrative relationship between biography and the novelen_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.subjectrecognition, memory, Hussein Barghouti, I will be among the almondsen_US
dc.subjectالاعترا ف، الذاكرة، حسين البرغوثي، سأكون بين اللوز.en_US
dc.titleالاِعترا ف في رواية "سأكون بين اللوز" لحسين البرغوثيen_US
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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