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Title: بنية الخطاب الشعري في شعر صالح بن عبد القدوس
Authors: زينب , لعور , داودي بثينة
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: أدب قد يم
Abstract: The researchwasrepresented in the structure of the poeticlanguage in favor of Bin Abdul Quddus, in a studythatwedividedintothreechapters, an introduction, and an study entrance whichis a theoretical part in whichwe set some concepts and keywords for the research.In the second chapter, whichisunder the title of the artistic image, the pictorial aspect, the poethighlighted the capacity of his imagination by depictingvariousfacts, wheder the image hedrewisfictional or realistic, depends on the description and wedivideditaccording to the graphic images intometaphor, analogy and metonymy.In the thirdchapterwestudied music and rhythm, videditintotwo sections, the first wetalked about external music fromsea, meter and rhyme, and the second isinternal music, wetalked about alliteration and counterpoint, and weconcludedwith a conclusion whichis a giblet in which came the most important results and conclusions. Thus, the poeticlanguage in favor of Abdul Quddus has attaineditsstatus, which has earnedititsmeaning, significance, sounds, structures and methods, and all of this made ititsown, and itsaesthetic and stylisticadvantages.
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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