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dc.contributor.authorلخضر , بوقزولة , علال لخضر-
dc.identifier.citation" تسويق الخدمات "en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to determine the extent of the impact of customer complaints on improving the marketing performance of Sonelgaz Company, Directorate of Distribution Mila, and to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was prepared to collect preliminary information from the study sample consisting of 51 ustomers, and in light of that, data was collected and analyzed and hypotheses tested. Using the statistical package for social sciences SPSS program.The study reached several results after conducting the analysis of its data, the most important of which is the presence of a statistically significant improvement in the marketing performance of the Sonelgaz Company, Mila Distribution Directorate, at the level of significance (0.05 ≥ α). The study also recommended adopting the dimensions of customer complaints management to improve marketing performance, which are embodied in performance dimensions and indicators, through: There must be a response as well as a prompt response to complaints from customers, while respecting the appropriate time frame. Establishing a culture of self-respect, which is the main factor in rewarding the client ethically.  Commitment to provide convincing justifications to the customer regarding the failure of the service with clear explanations  Seeking to solve the customer's problem while exploiting all possible capabilities to address the complaint submitted by customers  The company's interest is to satisfy the customer with appropriate inancial compensation according to the damage resulting from the service provided  The study also recommended adopting dimensionsen_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.subjectcustomer complaints management, response speed, discretion, marketing performance, Sonelgaz Company, Mila Distribution Directorate.en_US
dc.subjectإدارة شكاوي العملاء ، سرعة الإستجابة ، الاعتذار ، الأداء التدهيقي ، شركة سهنمغاز مديرية التهزيع ميمةen_US
dc.titleأثر إدارة شكاوي العملاء على تحسين الأداء التسويقي للمؤسسات الخدميةen_US
dc.title.alternative-د راسة حالة شركة سونلغاز-مديرية التوزيع -ميلةen_US
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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