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Title: أثر التسويق الحسي على سلوك الشراء غيررالمخطط
Other Titles: دراسة حالة المركز التجاري بلدي ميلة
Authors: حمزة نضال , بن الشيخ الحسين , فرحات زكرياء
Keywords: Sensory marketing, unplanned buying behavior, balde shopping center, mila
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: تخصص " تسويق الخدمات "
Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the dimensions of sensory marketing and investigate their impact on unplanned buying behavior. The sensory marketing dimensions were divided into five dimensions (visual marketing, auditory marketing, olfactory marketing, gustatory marketing, and tactile marketing). Meanwhile, unplanned buying behavior was expressed as a single dimension. The researchers chose balde shopping center as one of the commercial centers that relied on direct marketing with customers and clients.At the end of the study, it was found that balde shopping center implements sensory marketing along with the existence of a relationship and impact between sensory marketing and unplanned buying behavior. Subsequently, we will examine the presence of the impact of sensory marketing dimensions (visual marketing, auditory marketing, olfactory marketing, gustatory marketing, and tactile marketing) on unplanned buying behavior among customers of balde shopping center.
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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