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dc.contributor.authorBesma, GHARBOUDJE, ABDELMOULA Chaima-
dc.description.abstractThe role of code-switching has always been discussed in the field of second and foreign language acquisition, as it is considered as an important pedagogical tool in enhancing learners’ performance. As language learning recalls for the vital importance of vocabulary, the present research attempts to examine the effective application of code-switching in enhancing fourth year middle school learners’ vocabulary specifically, as it was not the highlight of most of the previous researches. For the sake of doing so, a reconsideration of the existing background is recalled for, as to have a clear conceptualization of code-switching, its types, its different functions, and to differentiate it from other concepts, in addition to having a clear view about the conceptualization of vocabulary. Considering learners’ continuous need for instruction, guidance, and facilitation throughout the process of second language learning, this research is also devoted to investigate code-switching’s importance as a strategy used by teachers to enrich their learners’ vocabulary. To test the set hypothesis, a questionnaire has been submitted to 42 fourth year middle school teachers, and also an observation took place during five different English learning sessions. Incorporating evidence from the findings of both the questionnaire and the observation, this study demonstrates that code-switching is indeed an important pedagogical tool that teachers use to improve their learners’ performance inside the classroom. Additionally, the findings also highlights the effectiveness of using code-switching in enriching learners’ vocabulary.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity Center of Abdel Hafid Boussouf Milaen_US
dc.subjectCode-switching, Learners’ performance, Pedagogical tool, Second and foreign language acquisition, The effective application, Vocabulary enrichment.en_US
dc.titleInvestigating The Outcomes of Code switching on Learners’ Vocabulary Enrichmenten_US
dc.title.alternativeA Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement of the Master Degree in Didactics of Foreign Languagesen_US
Appears in Collections:Foreign languages

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