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Title: Attitudes toward the Impact of Anxiety on EFL Students’ Speaking Performance.
Other Titles: The case of first year LMD students at the English Branch
Authors: Malek, Tebaa, Berhail Boudouda Khaoula
Keywords: the speaking skill, EFL learners, anxiety, strategies
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: Branch: English
Abstract: One of the important issues that most foreign language learners suffer from is anxiety. This obstacle appears, especially during Oral Expression sessions. The current study attempts to investigate the issue of anxiety and its effects on EFL learners’ speaking skill. The work purports to: first, identify the causes of EFL learners’ nxiety; second, to suggest some necessary strategies first year students at the department of English at Mila niversity Center use to reduce anxiety, engage in class discussion and develop their speaking skill; and third, to provide teachers as well as students with some useful recommendations to overcome this psychological problem and, hence, achieve better results. To this end, a descriptive method was adopted as it is the most adequate one for this topic. To test our hypothesis, two questionnaires were administered: one for the teachers and one for the students. The first questionnaire was designed to a sample of 62 First year students at The Department of English at MILA University Center, the second questionnaire was delivered to five Oral Expression teachers
Appears in Collections:Foreign languages

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