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dc.contributor.authorصلاح الدين , حافي راسو , بن طا ش رؤوف-
dc.identifier.citation"تخصص " تسويق الخدماتen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to demonstrate the impact of direct marketing methods on improving the share of Algeria Telecom - Mila. To achieve the objectives of the study, the two students designed a questionnaire to collect primary information from the study sample consisting of (40) workers, and in light of that, data were collected, analyzed and hypotheses were tested using the SPSS statistical package. Several statistical methods were used to achieve the objectives of the study, including simple and multiple regression analysis. After analysing the study's data and hypotheses, the study found a number of results, most notably the lack of a statistical effect of direct marketing methods combined (direct sales, telemarketing, mail marketing, catalog marketing, virtual media marketing) in improving the share. The market at The Algiers Telecom Corporation - Mila - at the level of Dalala (α≥0.05), due to the competitive environment in which the enterprise is located, where it exists without any competitor or partner and this enabled it to be alone with fixed telephone services, home internet services Institutional, run out of the international Internet, which has made it a complete monopoly and attracted customers only as an inevitable result of the lack of alternative for the service student. Direct marketing is also relatively adopted and used as a promotional method rather than the communication nature of direct marketing methods, which limits its effectiveness in influencing customers and thus plays a weak role in the development of market share. The study recommended the necessity of qualifying employees to control modern direct marketing methods, especially the method of marketing by electronic media, and to activate the integration between the dimensions of direct marketing or the application of the content of integrated direct marketing, which aims to achieve integration and coordination between direct selling, telemarketing, direct mail, catalog and electronic media, carefully to deliver A clear, consistent and direct message between the rganization and its customers without confusion.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.subjectالتسويق المباشر , أساليب التسويق المباشر , البيع المباشر , الحصة السوقية , مؤسسة إتصالات الجزائر ميلةen_US
dc.subjectdirect marketing, direct selling methods, market share, Algeria Telecom Corporation-Mila-en_US
dc.titleأثر أساليب التسويق المباشر في تحسين الحصة السوقية للمؤسسات الخدميةen_US
dc.title.alternativeدراسة حالة شركة اتصالات الجزائر -وكالة ميلةen_US
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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