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dc.contributor.authorصابرينة, بوشبورة,ملنداسهاجر-
dc.identifier.citationتخصص: أدب حديث ومعاصرen_US
dc.descriptionExperience in literature is one of the issues that occupied writers and asked the ink of critcs who found their way to search for the features of experimentation Notion in literary works , and the novel fay is one of the creations that carry many of the manifastations of experimentation at the internal and external level alike, tarting with the title that is different from what it is prevailing as the cover expressing the content of the novel and the writer’s lawyer, and perhaps the language is the most component that the experiment has touched. It has turned from a means of creativity to creativity in itself, in addition to the different employment of characters and the element of time and place.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.subjectالتجريب، رّواية فّاي، اّلعنوان، اّلغلاف، اّلقضاء اّلنصي، اّلشخصيات، اّلمكان، اّلزمانen_US
dc.subjectexperiment, fay’s novel , address, cover, text space, time and space.en_US
dc.titleالتجريب في رواية "فاي" ل: زبيربن سخريen_US
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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