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dc.contributor.authorد-فارس, طلوش-
dc.identifier.issn2392 - 5361-
dc.description.abstractThis article aims to highlight the role of marketing in bringing about change to improve the work of business organizations, especially public organizations in algeria, for a long time these organizations have been a burden on the state, rather than achieving the desired economic objective of creating added value for itself and those around it, where should this situation be changed by the treatment and significantly the marketing function, which suffers great shortcomings in it, mainly due to philosophical and administrative backlogs and political backgrounds, which may achieve a comprehensive change of her policies and objectives and her market and social status, a situation that has been identified in a sample of public organizations and has proved the correctness of the change required.en_US
dc.publisherAbdelhafid boussouf university Centre milaen_US
dc.subjectChange - Marketing - Public Business Organizations - Organizational Structure.en_US
dc.titleدور التسويق في تحقيق التغيير داخل المؤسسات الإقتصادية العموميةen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe role of marketing in achieving change within Public business organizations.en_US
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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