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Title: أثر الخطاب الشفوي في اكتساب المهارات اللغو يةٌ سنة أولى ابتدائي - أنموذجا
Authors: أحلام, صمري
Keywords: oral speech, language, language skills, first year primary
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: Abdelhafid boussouf university Centre mila
Citation: تخصص: لسانيات تطبيقية
Description: One speech condisiders as the main base in tooching and leaning process, All leaning subjects has a Com mon element especially. Arabic which is oral speech, In our research we shed the light. on "The impact of oral speech in acquiring langauge shills first year primary. as a sample". In this learning phone the focus on the four language skills which combines the base elements of Arabic language: Listing, Speaking, reaching and writing, the process of teaching levering process can not develope without the emphosis on the skills. This decisive phose is the most important step in learners' life before transmetting to specialized language. sainces on the comming leaning phases
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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