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Title: فاعلية الصورة التشبيهية في القرآن الكريم
Other Titles: دراسة مقارنة بين المفسرين و البلاغيين
Authors: وداد, بن جدو, كرم راضية
Keywords: الصورة الفنية , التخيل , التشبيه
artistic image, imagination, simile.
Issue Date: Sep-2021
Publisher: university center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILA
Citation: تخصص: لسانيات عربية
Description: Praise be to god, lord of the worlds, and peace be upon the most honorable prophet .The title of the research is (The effectiveness of the simile in the holly Quran, a comparative study and rhetoricians. This research is ivided into an introduction, three chapters and an importance of the topic and choosing it, as well as the esearch plan and its methodology, in addition to the previous studies. The first chapter: “artistic depiction in the holly Quran”, includes one section entitled “the definitions of the artistic image lexically and contextually according to the ancients and moderns”; followed by the second chapter entitled “Illusion and Artistic sciences in the third chapter entitled: definition of simile and its rhetorical divisions”, followed by the conclusion which contains the results and the advantages of the research, then the list of sources, references and the table of contents. I ask god to grant us success in fulfilling the right of the Quran and serving the nation of the Quran, and praise be to god, lord of the worlds.
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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