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dc.contributor.authorمريم, حاج عزام, ريحان نعيمة-
dc.identifier.citationتخصص: أدب عربي حديث ومعاصرen_US
dc.descriptionThis research deals with the manifestations of heritage in the novel "Forty Years Waiting for Isabel" by the writer Saeed Khatibi, where we discussed the concept of heritage, types of heritage and its importance, in the theoretical aspect and its employment factors and levels, while the practical side was concerned with the manifestations of heritage employment of its various types (popular, religious, literary, historical), where the writer sought to draw inspiration from what served his thought and visions, so he sought through this, to depict the algerian reality, which represents a color for cultural adherence to the origins of heritage, which links the generations of society to each other through the transfer of the components of society, its customs and traditions through the generations, and this is what gave the novel an artistic character, which contributed to achieving special aesthetics in the novel carrative and creative style.en_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.titleتجليات التراث في رواية – أربعون عاما في انتظار ايزابيل- لسعيد خطيبيen_US
Appears in Collections:Arabic language and literature

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