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dc.contributor.authorجهينة, سابع,بوغابةدنيا-
dc.identifier.citationتخصص " تسويق الخدمات "en_US
dc.descriptionThe study aims to known the role of promotion in influencing the mental image of customers baldi mall –mila- depending on the dimensions of the promotion , (advertising ,personal selling ,public relations stimulate sales.)Aquestionnaire has been designed , and distrbute it to a sample of 10،Where the study found the effect of two dimensions is the advertising and parsonal selling accepted on the mental image, but posthumous public relations and activate sales. The study recommended for the mall beldi –mila-giving importance to the two dimensions stimulate sales and public relations focusing more on advertising and personal selling in order to influence the customers mind and increase sales and get more profitsen_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.subjectالصورة المنشورة , , الصورة الذهنية , الشخصي, الترويج , ,المنشودةالإعلان البيع الشخصي , العلاقات العامة , تنشيط المبيعات ,en_US
dc.subjectPromotion, Advertising ,Personal selling, public relations, stimulate sales, mental image, perceived image, posted image, the desired imageen_US
dc.titleالتزو جٍ ودوره ف التأثير علي الصورة الذهنيةَ لدى الزبونen_US
dc.title.alternative-دراسة حالة المزكز التجاري بلديen_US
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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