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dc.contributor.authorريمة , بن سليمان , بوعراتة عبير-
dc.identifier.citationتخصص " إدارة أعمال "en_US
dc.descriptionThe objective of this study is to learn about the role of the organizational culture in improving the job performance of employees at the Abdul Hafeed Bousouf University Centre, as the study community consists of all the administrative employees of the institutes at the University Centre. The study examined two aspects: Theoretical and practical. The practical aspect involved determining the relationship between the study ariables, that is, the relationship between the organizational culture represented by the independent variable and the job performance of the workers, which is the dependent variable. This study addressed the problem of: Does organizational culture contribute to improving the job performance of the workers at the university center Abdelhafeez Boussaf? In addition to the following sub-questions: What is the reality of the organizational culture among the workers of the university center Abdelhafeez Bousalef? What are the strategies to improve the job performance at the Abdulhafeed Boussoyd University Center? Is there a statistically significant orrelation at the level of 0.05 between organizational culture and improving the job performance of employees in an institution? And to answer the problem and Sub-questions, we developed the following hypotheses: _The organizational culture contributes to improving the job performance of the employees of the Abdul hafeed Boussouf University Center. _The organizational culture relies on targeted and necessary mechanisms for the development of the Abdul hafid Boussouf University Centre _The process of improving the performance of workers within the Abdel Hafeed Bousouf University Center is based on strategies that support the importance and presence of the worker. There is a statistically significant correlation at the level of 0.05 between organizational culture and improving the performance of workers at the University Center Abdel Hafeed ousouf In this study, we used the form as the main instrument applied to the study community, which, using a escriptive and analytical approach, estimated 60 workers and a range of statistical methods to arrive at the following results: 1_At the level of 0.05, there is no statistically significant correlation between the dimensions of organizational culture and the performance of University Centre Mila. 2_Improving the performance of workers within the Abdul Hafeed Bousouf University Centre is based on strategies that support worker's importance and presence. 3-Organizational culture does not improve employee performance. University Center - Milaen_US
dc.publisheruniversity center of abdalhafid boussouf - MILAen_US
dc.subjectالثقافة التنظي،المعتقدات، أداء العاملین.en_US
dc.subjectorganizational culture values, beliefs, worker performanceen_US
dc.titleدور الثقافة التنظيمية في تحسين الأداء الوظيفي للعاملينen_US
dc.title.alternativeدراسة حالة المركز الجامعي عبد الحفيظ بوالصوف ميلةen_US
Appears in Collections:Business and management economics

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