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dc.contributor.authorAfaf , Melala , Nessah Houda-
dc.identifier.citationDidactics ; of Foreign Languagesen_US
dc.descriptionLa présente étude vise à étudier la situation de l’enseignement de la culture de la longue cible dans les écoles secondaires algériennes. Il tente d’évaluer le manuel de deuxième année "Getting Through" à partir des spects culturels cibles. En outre, la recherche explore les points de vue des enseignants sur l’importance de enseignement de la culture ainsi que leurs points de vue sur le contenu cultural du manuel de deuxième nnée. L’enquête repose sur une analyse qualitative du manuel et sur un questionnaire adressée aux enseignants de l’école secondaire. L’évaluation de "Getting Through" démontre que la culture de la langue cible n’est pas uffisamment abordée dans le manuel. Autrement dit, le contenu cultural cible est présenté de manière erficielle pour serve la compétence linguistique. Les résultats du questionnaire destiné aux enseignants révèlent que les enseignants sont conscients de l’importance d’intégrer la culture cible dans l’enseignement des langues. Les résultats montrent également l’absence de matériel dans le manuel qui est utilisé pour présenter la culture ible. Cependant, les enseignants font des efforts personnels pour présenter la culture cible aux apprenants. Sur la base des résultats, certaines recommandations sont fournies aux concepteurs de programmes et des eignants pour mettre en œuvre la culture cible de manière adéquate dans enseignements des langues étrangère.en_US
dc.description.abstractIt is believed that foreign language learning is foreign culture learning. The incorporation of the teaching of culture into foreign language classrooms then is a necessity for the success of the learning/teaching process. Accordingly, the present study aims at investigating the situation of teaching the target language culture in the Algerian secondary schools. It mainly attempts to evaluate the methods and educational resources used to teach culture in the second year textbook “Getting through”. In addition, the research explores teachers’ views about the importance of teaching culture as well as their perspectives on the cultural content of the second year textbook. The investigation is based on a qualitative analysis of the textbook, and a questionnaire addressed to secondary school teachers. It is hypothesised in this study that the target culture is not given enough portance in the second year coursebook “Getting Through”. It is hypothesised also that the secondary school teachers would be convinced of the crucial role of culture in teaching the English language. The evaluation of “Getting Through” demonstrates that the target language culture is not covered adequately in the textbook. In other ords, the target cultural content is presented in a superficial way predominantly to serve linguistic competence. In accordance with these results, the teachers’ questionnaire revealed that teachers are aware of the portance of integrating the target culture in language teaching. The results also show the absence of materials in the textbook which are used to present the target language culture in the classroom. However, teachers make personal efforts to introduce the target culture to learners. On the basis of these results, some commendations are provided to syllabus designers and teachers to implement the target culture adequately in the foreign anguage lassroomen_US
dc.publisherAbdelhafid boussouf university Centre milaen_US
dc.titleThe Target Language Culture in the Algerian Secondary Educationen_US
dc.title.alternativeAn evaluation of the Algerian Secondary School Second Year English Course Booken_US
Appears in Collections:Foreign languages

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