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- Dam, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Silicon, Inorganic nitrogen, Salmonella, Water Pollution 1
- Dam, Sidi Khalifa, Physico-chemical analyzes of water, phytoplankton. The Chlorophyc 1
- DAO 1
- Data Envelopement Analysis, economic Efficiency, Thecnical Efficiency, BCC, CCR, hospital institution. 1
- De Saussure, lecture book, Saussurian thought, manuscripts, New Saussurianism, Mokhtar Zawaoui 1
- deathiregret the birth of the son of a faint poem the birth of and alusian poem stylustic son khafafa 1
- decision-making, centralization, decentralization, human resource development 1
- Deconstruction theory, Islam, the West, Jacques Derrida 1
- deep learning ; genetic algorithm ; long short-term memory ; Condition Based maintenance, prognostics and health management ; remaining useful life ; Optimisation ; Meta-heuristics, turbofan engine dataset (CMAPSS 1
- deeplearning,Convolutional.neural,networks,Semantic, segmenta- tion, Object detection,Unet,Deeplab,YOLOv8n 1
- deficit, general budget, revenues from hydrocarbons, Algeria 1
- Degenerate sweeping process, perturbation, differential inclusion, normal cone, set-valued map, absolutely continuous map, monotonicity 1
- degital transformation, metaverse, busness world 1
- Dehemcha, Boukerdane, Sidi Abdelli, HEC-HMS, SCS-CN, DEM, RNA, Rainfall-Runoff 1
- Dehemcha, Boukerdane, Sidi Abdelli, HEC-HMS, SCS-CN, MNT, RNA, SCS, pluie-débit. 1
- deliberative; signals; a personality; temporal; spatial. 1
- deposit management, liquidity, profitability, the Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development. 1
- description, Ibn Zumrak, Diwan, purposes, artistic characteristics 1
- desert agriculture, agricultural support, El Oued province 1